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Testing Frameworks

Continuous Testing

For Code Development

For Module Testing (xUnit)

  • Java
    • JUnit: A popular Java testing framework for unit and integration testing.
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
    • Jest: A widely used JavaScript testing framework for unit and integration testing.
  • Python
    • PyUnit: The built-in unit testing library for Python.
    • PyTest: A popular Python testing framework for unit and functional testing.
  • C#
    • NUnit: A widely used testing framework for .NET applications.
  • C/C++

For Mocking, Stubbing, and Simulating Test Services

  • Java
    • Mockito: A Java mocking framework for unit testing.
    • EasyMock: A library for creating mock objects in unit tests.
    • JMock: A framework for mocking Java interfaces.
  • Python
    • PyTest: A popular Python testing framework with mocking support.
    • Nose2: A test discovery and execution framework for Python.
    • Mock: A Python library for mocking objects and behavior.
  • C#
    • Moq: A mocking framework for .NET.
    • NSubstitute: A friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries.
    • FakeItEasy: An easy-to-use mocking framework for .NET.
  • C/C++
  • HTTP Services
    • WireMock: A tool for mocking HTTP services, useful for simulating APIs and services during testing.

For Code Analysis

For Static Analysis

  • Java
    • PMD: A source code analyzer for Java, JavaScript, and more.
    • Checkstyle: A tool for checking Java code against coding standards.
    • Spotbugs: A static analysis tool for Java bytecode.
    • SonarQube: A tool combining multiple analyses in a single pass.
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
    • ESLint: A widely used JavaScript and TypeScript linting tool for identifying and fixing code issues.
    • PMD: A source code analyzer for Java, JavaScript, and more.
    • SonarQube: A comprehensive platform for continuous inspection of code quality and security.
  • Python
    • PyLint: A Python static code analysis tool.
    • Pyflakes: A lightweight Python code checker.
  • C#
    • StyleCop: Enforces style and consistency rules in C# code.
    • Roslynator: A set of code analyzers, refactorings, and code fixes for C#.
    • XunitAnalyzer: Analyzers to improve the quality of tests.
    • SonarAnalyzer: A comprehensive platform for continuous inspection of code quality and security.
  • C/C++

For Dynamic Analysis

For Test Coverage
  • Java
  • Python
    • Coverage: A Python code coverage measurement tool.
    • PyTest-cov: A PyTest plugin for coverage reporting.
  • C#
    • AltCover: A .NET code coverage tool.
    • NCover: A code coverage tool for .NET.
  • C/C++
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
    • Istanbul: A code coverage tool for JavaScript and TypeScript.
    • Jest Coverage: Code coverage support in Jest.
For Complexity Analysis and Runtime Performance

For Security

For Web Applications

For Service Endpoints (APIs)

For RESTful Endpoints

  • JMeter: An Apache tool for performance testing.
  • Postman: A popular API testing tool.
  • REST Assured: A Java library for RESTful API testing.
  • SOAPUI: A comprehensive API testing tool.

For RPC/Remote Processing

For User Interfaces (UIs)

  • Robot Framework: An open-source test automation framework.
  • Selenium: A popular web testing framework.
  • Cypress: An end-to-end testing framework.
  • Playwright: A browser automation library.
  • Serenity BDD: A test automation framework that combines Selenium, JUnit, and BDD practices.
  • Allure: An open-source framework for test report generation with interactive and informative reports.

For Cross-Browser Testing

For Security

  • OWASP ZAP: An open-source security testing tool for finding web application vulnerabilities.
  • Burp Suite: A popular security testing tool for web application security assessment.

For Performance Testing

For Load Testing

  • JMeter: An Apache tool for performance testing.
  • Gatling: A high-performance load testing tool.
  • Locust: An open-source load testing tool.

For Acceptance Testing

  • Cucumber: A collaboration and automation platform for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD).
  • Chaos Monkey: A tool for testing system resilience.
  • Robot Framework: An open-source test automation framework.

For Mobile Testing

For All Platforms

  • Appium: An open-source mobile automation framework.

For Android

For iOS

For Reporting

For Unified Analyses (Dynamic and Static)

  • SonarQube: An open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality.
  • Scrub/Unified: Tools for code analysis and security scanning.

For Status Reporting

For Real-time Validation and Stability

  • Jenkins: An automation server for building, testing, and deploying.
  • GitHub Actions: CI/CD workflows powered by GitHub.
  • Docker Container: Containerization technology for managing test environments.

For AI/ML Testing

  • TensorFlow Test: A testing framework for machine learning models developed using TensorFlow.

For System Testing

  • Robot Framework: An open-source automation framework that supports both test automation and test process automation.
  • pytest-bdd: A behavior-driven testing framework for Python, built on top of pytest.

For Test Code Generation

Downloadable Open-Source Models

  • Ollama: A streamlined tool for running various large language models.
  • codellama: A large language model-based code generation tool.
  • StarCoder: A popular large language model for code generation, particularly suited for multi-language support.
  • Llama3: A language model designed for code generation and other tasks.

Cloud-Based Models

⚠️ Exercise caution when using sensitive data

  • GPT-4: The latest version of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), a type of deep learning model used for natural language processing and text generation.
  • Claude: One of the leading models with longer context windows than GPT-4, allowing it to maintain coherence and understanding over longer sequences of text.