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Code of Conduct

A walkthrough on setting up a code-of-conduct policy for your project.


Example template rendering


Background: A Code of Conduct is important in setting the standards for interaction within a project team. It promotes a positive community environment, addressing unacceptable behaviors and providing mechanisms for conflict resolution. In this guide, we'll help you bootstrap your project with a recommended a Code of Conduct, notably the Contributor Covenant, which is widely recognized and adopted in open-source communities.

Use Cases:

  • Establishing a respectful and inclusive team culture.
  • Providing clear guidelines on acceptable behaviors and handling grievances.


  • Understanding of community management and team dynamics.
  • Familiarity with Markdown for editing documentation.

Quick Start

⬇️ Contributor Covenant Template (see example)

Access the standard Contributor Covenant template for a robust Code of Conduct policy to use in your project.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Team Consultation: Discuss the adoption of the Contributor Covenant with your team, ensuring consensus.
  2. Setting Up the Document:
    • Create a file in your repository.
    • Copy the Contributor Covenant template into this file.
    • Replace [INSERT CONTACT METHOD] with appropriate contact details for reporting issues.
  3. Integrate into Your Project:
    • Add the Contributor Covenant badge () to your for visibility and easy access.
      [![Contributor Covenant](](

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: Why is a Code of Conduct important for projects?
  • A: It establishes a standard for behavior, promoting a safe and inclusive environment for collaboration.
  • Q: Can I customize the Contributor Convenant Code of Conduct template?
  • A: Yes! Especially if your project is managed in a unique way.
  • Q: What should be done if a team member violates the Code of Conduct?
  • A: Violations should be reported to the designated contact person or team. The matter should be handled confidentially and in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Code of Conduct.
  • Q: How often should the Code of Conduct be reviewed or updated?
  • A: Regularly reviewing and updating the Code of Conduct ensures it stays relevant and effective. It's advisable to reassess it annually or when significant changes occur within the project or community.




Feedback and Contributions

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